JOB ROLE: Director, editor, producer, & actor.
GEAR USED: Sony FX6, Westcott lighting, Sony microphone, Premiere pro.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: An MMA fighter struggling with his past find peace through faith in God.
LOGLINE: There is a solution to every problem good or evil.
May 2024
"Hot Dawg Queen Commercial"
JOB ROLE: Director, editor, & producer.
GEAR USED: Sony FX6, Westcott lighting, Sony microphone, Premiere pro.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A 30 second commercial for a small business owner.
LOGLINE: You'll love it at first bite.
January 2024
"If You Can Hear Me"
JOB ROLE: Director, Editor, and producer.
GEAR USED: Sony FX6, Premiere Pro, Reflector.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Short film for an assignment during my directing online class.
LOGLINE: In a world full of turmoil never lose sight in the midst of a breakthrough.
October 2023
"At The Cross"
JOB ROLE: Director, editor, and interviewer.
GEAR USED: Sony FX6, Westcott lighting, Sony microphone.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A mini-documentary about one mans testimony.
LOGLINE: Being faithful comes a long way.
May 2023
JOB ROLE: Sound editing with sound effects.
GEAR USED: Premiere pro, freesound.org
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Sample video of me adding sound effects within the scene and then mix and mastering them.
August 2022